Wedding planning can obviously as much of a stressful time as it is exciting. We can all get stressed from time to time and it’s not the best thing for our well-being so the last thing you need is to pile another load of stress on top of your everyday stress. Here are seven clear signs you’re too stressed about wedding planning.
Swapping all your lunches for planning
We aren’t saying you can’t organise some of your wedding details over your lunch break sometimes. In fact it’s a great way of juggling wedding plans with a full-time job. However, it’s not a good idea to skip the actual eating of your lunch in favour of planning your wedding and it’s definitely not a good idea to sacrifice all your lunch breaks for wedding planning. You get lunch breaks for a reason, and it’s not to do more work, it’s to take a break. If you don’t give yourself a break you’ll burn yourself out. Stick to planning your wedding on your lunch break to once or twice a week.
We all know that when we have a to-do list as long as our arm and we’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, it’s then that we tend to procrastinate the most and put off doing anything on that list. This is a clear sign that you’re too stressed about your wedding planning list and the problem is, it’s a vicious circle. The more stressed you get about how much you have to do, the more you’ll want to put it off, and so the longer the list gets with a deadline approaching and your stress levels climbing. The best way to avoid this is take the easy or fun stuff and work on crossing them off the list. Newton’s Law of Motion states that once you put something in motion it will keep on moving so once you get going on one or two things, you’ll feel better and keep going, relatively stress-free.
It’s no longer fun
It’s a bad sign when planning a wedding is no longer fun. Of course there are going to be elements that were never going to be fun, but once it gets to a point where even the mere thought of anything wedding-related sends shivers down your spine, it’s time to check yourself. Yes, wedding planning can be stressful and there are some semantics involved that are not particularly enjoyable, but on the whole, planning one of the happiest days of your life is still meant to be fun, and if you feel like the fun has gone out of it, you’re definitely too stressed.
It’s all you can talk about
One of the best ways to avoid wedding-obsession is to have at least one wedding-free night a week with your groom-to-be, and it’s also a good idea to ban wedding talk regularly from your girly nights out as well. You need regular relaxation time and socialising too calm your stress levels and that’s not going to go very well if the thing you’re stressed about keeps coming up in conversation. One of the ways you know you’re too stressed about your wedding is if you are the one bringing it up all the time. If you’ve got a ban on wedding talk in place and you still can’t stick to it, you’re definitely far too stressed.
Increased fights with your groom-to-be
Getting snappy and developing a short temper are always clear signs that you’re getting too stressed about something, so if you’re starting to have more fights with your partner in the run up to the big day, don’t panic. It’s completely normal, and some fights might occur regardless of your stress levels. However, do check yourself when you’re having other fights about silly things. Even if they seem like they’re not wedding-related, you might be feeling particularly sensitive or particularly short-tempered if you’re suffering from stress, and that is wedding-related. Take some time out for the two of you and try to make it wedding-free. Don’t neglect him or your date nights, even if they’re just in front of the television.
Rethinking decisions
You’ve picked your dress, you’ve decided on your colour scheme and you’ve ordered all your flowers. Now you’re panicking and wondering whether you made the right decision about any of it. It’s normal to doubt some of your decisions in the run up to your wedding day, especially decisions you made a long time ago. But if you’re questioning every decision you’ve made to date, you’re definitely too stressed about your wedding. Don’t worry, you made every decision with care, precision and some serious thought. You weren’t wrong then and you’re not wrong now.
Non-stop nightmares
It’s understandable for a worried bride to have the odd dream about her dress being ruined or not lashing rain. It’s not normal to have a wedding-related nightmare every night of the week, especially if they’re less about the major things and more about the tiny details. Non-stop nightmares and sleepless nights are a definite sign that you’re too stressed over your wedding, and chances are, less sleep will only leave you more highly strung and stressed out.
When it comes to wedding planning, a little stress is normal and understandable. Sometimes it’s even a little helpful for giving you the kick up the bum you might need to get going on your to-do list. However, a lot of stress can be damaging and might end up ruining one of the most important days of your life. Here are some handy tips for stress-free wedding planning.
- Jenny Darmody
Image credits: Advice: Pinterest | Kiss: Lauren Feddersen Photography | Chairs: Pinterest | Bridesmaids: Tulle and Chantilly | Dance: Tessa Barton | Date jar: Pinterest