Not just etiquette for your bridesmaids to follow to give you the best wedding day you can possibly have, because just as they should be happy to be asked, every bride should be grateful for their help and there are certain things you can and probably should do for your bridesmaids.
The least a bride can do for her bridesmaids is ask for their input when it comes to their own outfits. Your bridesmaids are all most likely going to have different sizes, shapes and skin tones and they may not thank you for sticking them all in a dress that doesn’t suit them. Of course it’s your big day so the final say should rest with you but it’s important to get their input for hair, make-up and dress preferences so that you can find something everyone is happy with.
Paying for them
This can be a sticky situation because not all couples can afford to pay for their entire bridal party’s outfits, hair, make-up, accessories and accommodation. Some brides let their bridesmaids pick their own dresses, accessories etc. which makes it more acceptable to ask them to pay for some of their own ensemble. A hard and fast rule is to pay for what you can afford and take special consideration for what your bridesmaids have to spend if you are having your wedding abroad, in a really expensive venue or with really expensive bridesmaids’ dresses; they didn't choose the expensive stuff, you did.
Some brides buy a signature piece of jewellery for their bridesmaids to wear on the day and then keep as gifts after the wedding. Others might choose to pay for absolutely everything for the bridesmaids as their gift. But you can also get separate little favours or flowers as a way of just saying thank you. Remember, while it is an honour to be asked, brides should be very grateful for their bridesmaids and bridesmaids should be happy about the job, not worried about the size of the bill they’ll have to foot.
- Jenny Darmody
Image Credits: Peach bridesmaids: Bridesmaid Dress Designs | Lilac bridesmaids: SOSAC Photography | Hangers: Josh Elliot Photography