Gone are the days when one could simply change their Facebook status to ‘engaged’, as couples-to-be are favouring engagement photo shoots to announce their happy news. Others are using engagement shoots Save the Dates, and with a lot of photographers including an engagement shoot session in their wedding packages, they're the perfect dry run for you to get comfortable in front of the camera. There are just a few things to consider to make the whole process a lot easier.

forest engagement shoot


Ask yourself this… is it an urgent Save the Date process or a fun and relaxed occasion? If your engagement shoot is the latter, then take your time deciding on how your photos should be, down to the very last meticulous detail. Location, poses, scenarios, chosen photographer etc. all have to be decided on so take the time, if possible, to be creative and throw around numerous ideas with your partner and your photographer.

Engagement shoot theme

Deciding on a concrete theme early on in the process for your backdrop will save a lot of headaches for you and your photographer. A woman who knows what she wants is never a bad thing and with a definite theme decided upon, this means that the process will be quick, easy and lots of fun to shoot! Whether you're opting for something simple or want to go all out with something more creative, deciding early is key. If you're unsure, ask your photographer for some inspiration. If it is creativity you're looking for, check out these unusual engagement shoot ideas.

beach engagement shoot


Whether you're opting for something that requires your clothes to get messy, or you just want to choose your best casual outfit, make sure you plan this in advance. Make sure your outfit suits the weather - you don't want that gorgeous suede jacket getting ruined in the Irish rain. Finally, make sure your outfit suits the theme or look you're going for. A lazy walk in the park or a picnic by a river will look a bit strange if you're dressed in a tuxedo and ballgown.


The main objective of an engagement shoot is to have fun and create some timeless memories… so don’t be afraid to act slightly daft in the process. If you’re known as the couple who love to joke around, incorporate this into your photo shoot, making sure to seek advice from your photographer so as not to stray into the completely ridiculous. If you're nervous or uptight in on the day, it'll show in the photos, so make sure you loosen up and don't take yourself too seriously.

scrabble tiles

An added extra

As the saying goes, never work with animals or children. However, both are a doddle if prepared in advance and can actually add an extra bit of uniqueness to your engagement shoot. Working with either is tricky and time consuming but if it’s what you really wish for, by all means include one or both! Notify your photographer in advance, be sure to get the shots with the children/animals finished up with first and have a babysitter and a very large glass of wine on standby for afterwards!

- Michelle Storey

Image credits: Forest: Tessa Barton Photography | Beach: Heather Scharf Photography| Scrabble tiles: Lahra Bryant Photography