Whether you're newly engaged or getting closer to the big day, it's always a good idea to set yourself a list of attainable goals. Why not take advantage of everybody's time of year to better themselves and turn your New Year's resolutions into bridal resolutions?
1/ I'm Going To Put My Foot Down More
In the neverending (and impossible) quest to please everybody, whether you're new to the wedding planning game or are in the final stretch before the big day, it's essential to put your foot down and demand that people take your opinion seriously! It's your wedding, after all; plan it to be perfect for you and your partner; everybody else can come second!

2/ I Won't Feel Guilty For Putting My Foot Down
If you've been planning your wedding for a while, you might come to the shocking realisation that you've become (and I put this nicely) a bit of a doormat for your family and friends. You still have time, however, to fix this! Make one of your New Year's resolutions to be that you can stay strong in the face of adversity and demand what you deserve!

3/ I'm Going To Build My Budget
Depending on how far along you are in the wedding planning process, you may already have a set budget in place. The new year is a good time to re-evaluate your spending to ensure you’re still on track and change it up or reign it in if needed. It’s all good to set out your budget at the start, but halfway into the planning process, you may need to readjust some of your figures and expectations! By giving yourself ample time, you allow yourself to build on what you have and put that surplus budget to good use at the end of the wedding (A deposit on a house, a honeymoon fund, or payments on necessities). If you just got engaged, the budget is one of the first things you should figure out before anything else, so get to it!

4/ I'm Going To Enjoy Being Engaged
Remember, you’re not just planning and organising a wedding but also engaged. Wedding planning is supposed to be fun, and being engaged is supposed to be fun, so don’t count down the days and to-do lists until all this planning and extra stress is over. Live in the now. Enjoy your engagement and live in the present!

5/ I'm Going To Get Into Better Health/Shape
I don’t just mean ‘exercise more’ and ‘eat less sugary foods’. Develop a plan in the new year to get you where you want to be for your big day. Whether it’s a target weight, a dress size, or just feeling more comfortable and confident being the centre of attention, you must figure out the best way to go about this. Developing a realistic plan to get you there for your wedding is just one step; the hard part is sticking to it! Involve your fiance to act as a support system, whether it's eating healthier together, going to the gym as a couple, or just going for a regular walk in the park together.

6/ I'm Going To Commit To One Non-Wedding Related Project
It can be very easy to let wedding planning take over your entire life and become the only thing you think about in your free time. Planning your wedding, however, is not your full-time job! Give yourself a project to consider when planning gets overwhelming and a bit emotionally draining; you don't want to start dreading your wedding. Paint your kitchen, work on your car, and go complete Mari Kondo to your house. Give yourself a task between wedding stuff so you don't burn out too fast. Then, after one is done, start another!

7/ I'm Going To Make A Solid Wedding Plan
A clear and realistic plan is the best way to get your head around what needs to be done. If you’re newly engaged, you’ll most likely need several of these, from a master list of what you need to do to get your perfect wedding to smaller lists for things like favours or paper goods. Start with your budget, figure out how big your guest list will be and then start scouting for vendors; your wedding venue should be the first thing you organise and finalise! Once you get your head around the bare minimum you need and work your way up from there, stay on top of your wedding plans and refer back to them periodically to make sure everything lines up perfectly.

8/ I'm Going To Spend Time With My Guests
One of the biggest stresses about planning a wedding is the guest list; you'll most likely be expected to invite people you haven't spoken to in years or who have never met your soon-to-be husband/wife! If you want to resolve this situation proactively, then make one of your resolutions a personal push to spend time one-on-one with all of the guests you're going to be inviting; not only will this help you feel more comfortable about actually including them in the wedding, but for many people making an effort to visit them and spend time with them can be a significant push to further the relationship from acquaintance to a close friend! In a quest to know your guests better, you might find some significant friendships developing with distant family members or childhood friends of your spouse.

9/ I'm Going To Dedicate Time To My Skin And Hair
Perfect wedding beauty starts with carefully maintained hair and skin! The best thing about skin and haircare is it's stupidly easy to do; you have to get into the habit of doing it daily. Do some research about the products and routines that best suit your skin and hair, and then make a dedicated effort to stick to doing it. You'll thank yourself on the day of the wedding!

10/ I'm Going To Take A Class With My Fiance
Similarly to resolution six, don't let the only time you interact with your fiance be wedding planning. Pick up a class or two that you can attend together in your spare time, from pottery to cooking or dancing there are a ton of classes and hobbies you and your loved one can share! If you're doing your flowers for the wedding, why not take a flower arranging class with your future spouse so they can be as involved as you are in the wedding decor? Just because the initial reason for picking something is for the wedding doesn't mean it can't blossom into a shared hobby.

- Grainne